When is the right time for a company to enlist the expertise of a Chief Transformation Officer (CTrO)? The answer is EARLIER! Gaining operational focused insights before a close is at the forefront of strategic discussions for Private Equity (PE) firms and their portfolio companies as they grapple with the complexities of today’s unpredictable and […]
In private equity, transformation is the key to differentiated alpha, and essential to generating top quartile returns. But how do you actually create that transformation to drive growth? The Private Equity Value Creation Podcast with Nick Creasey and Scott Estill answers this crucial question by talking to those who have done it successfully.
In order to execute digital transformations, both Private Equity (“PE”) firms and their portfolio companies need to have the right people at the helm. Half the battle is having talent who understand how to properly leverage and utilize this new AI innovation to create actual value creation.
For those who are actively looking for new roles in this climate, my advice is to adopt a proactive – not reactive – approach. Here’s what that means:
What exactly makes someone a great leader in business? If you are ready to move up in your career or aiming for the C-Suite, here are 5 pieces of advice:
What can companies do to retain top talent? What are the best moves for firms to avoid the expense and stress of having to repeatedly hire for the same position? Here are 5 ways firms can retain their top employees.